Blessing of Nativity Scenes: Weekend 16th/17th December

Newry Cathedral News

On the Gaudete Sunday (the third Sunday of Advent) Roman families gather with their Baby Jesus figurines at St Peter’s Square to have them blessed by Pope Francis. For the third year running, Newry Parish will aslo observe this beautiful tradition. Please bring your nativity scenes or Baby Jesus fugurines for a special blessing at the following Masses:

♣ Saturday 16th Dec: Newry Cathedral – 6pm Vigil Mass
♣ Saturday 16th Dec: St. Brigid’s Church – 7pm Vigil Mass
♣ Sunday 17th Dec: Newry Cathedral 12 – noon Mass
♣ Sunday 17th Dec: St. Mary’s Church – 11.00am Mass
♣ Sunday 17th December- St. Catherine’s – 11.00am Mass

This is a great way to place Jesus at the centre of your advent preprations.