Novena to St. Jude Oct 20th ‒ 28th

Newry Cathedral News

Breaking News: The Novena to St. Jude, due to begin tomorrow Sunday, has been postponed due to illness. Please share.

Newry Parish Novena 20th ‒ 28th October in honour of St. Jude

A Novena is a very special time of grace set aside for people to come together and pray, along with their priest, for their intentions and the intentions of their loved ones. “Ask and you shall receive” is what Jesus told us. So let us make time to ask the Lord for what we need to help us truly live a full life.

The format of the Novena is as follows:-

  1. Session One will take place on Sunday 20th October at the 5.30pm Mass.
  2. Session Two, Three, Four, Five and Six will take place at 7.30pm Mass Monday to Friday.
  3. Session Seven will take place at 6.00pm Mass on Saturday.
  4. Session Eight will take place at 5.30pm Mass on Sunday.
  5. The closing night will take place on Monday 28th October at 7.30pm on the Feast Day of Saints Jude and Simon. I hope everyone will make a real effort to participate in this very special opportunity to come and pray.

All sessions will take place in the Cathedral and will be led by Fr. Desmond Loughran.