Blessing of Nativity Scenes

Newry Cathedral News

Blessing of Infant Jesus figurines or small cribs

The Third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday and ‘gaudete’ means ‘rejoice’. The priest wears rose coloured vestments on this day in contrast to the violet or purple coloured vestments he wears on all the other days of Advent. We rejoice on this Sunday because we know that the birth of Jesus, our Redeemer and Saviour, is near. Each year, on Gaudete Sunday, The Children in Rome bring their figurines of the Infant Jesus to St. Peter’s Square to be blessed by the Pope. In Newry, as in Rome on this weekend, you are also invited to bring your Infant Jesus figurines or small cribs to be blessed by the Celebrant at the following Masses on the 15th and 16th December:

Saturday Evening
Cathedral: 6.00pm Vigil Mass and St. Brigid’s Church: 7.30pm Vigil Mass

Sunday Morning
St. Mary’s Church: 11.00am Mass and Cathedral 12 noon Mass St. Catherine’s Church: 11.00am Mass